Monday, December 8, 2008

So the new trend-one Blog Post per month:) haha

hi! like the title says, I guess our new trend is to post one blog per month. because now its December... so here goes:

As usual, we have been so busy with life. After our crazy Thanksgiving trip to Las Angeles California (lOng story maybe I'll write about it another time) , I was sick for the following couple days and didn't work or go to school and that always stinks :( And since then, we have been just on our toes catching up and gathering our energy to finish up the semester.

The past 5 months have been wonderful and difficult but a special special experience as well. Being a student after getting married has been probably the best time of my life. If you want to do well in school...get married! haha. Maybe thats not true for everyone, but for me and jordan it defINAtely has been true. Because I have grown so much since meeting Jordan, I have taken a greater pleasure in the responsibility of an education and balancing a marriage. Since we mostly just want to be with each other, doing homework isn't a hassel because we're together doing it :) And when I get frustrated and sick of doing what I'm doing, he is here to cheer me up and give me a break :) I just love it.

Jordan and I went to Cafe Rio' the other night to share an AMAzing salad, and when we get in line we start talking and all of a sudden this tall guy in front of us turns around and says hi to jordan and it seemed like he knew him well, and I was thinking, oh another mission friend,... no. It was the teacher of his very favorite class, his Visual Technologies teacher :) WEIRD THOUGH, because Jordan told me that he just graduated from Dixie last year, and now this year he is teaching there so thats why I would have mistaken him for a mission friend. His teacher was there with his cute wife and 2 little girls. adorable! We are hoping that this teacher can maybe teach the Photoshop class that we will be taking together this summer!

Big Things Going On:
-I have a Piano Recital on Wednesday!!! AH!!! It's my first Piano Recital in like 2 1/2 years! I'm excited because it is the first time that Jordan will be there, but I am sad because for the first time in 15 years of piano and recitals, my parents wont be there :( Its very very sad, but its part of going away to college and choosing to be a million miles away. My parents haven't even seen me play piano since I started lessons again and all my new songs :*( but last week i played my songs for them on the phone, and my mom and dad told me which song they liked the best, but it wasn't the one that i was ready to play for the recital, so i joked to my mom that i chose to play their least-favorite song for the recital so that they wouldn't be missing anything :) haha.
actually its true though lol.
i miss them so much, and i'm devastated that I don't get to come home for Christmas AGAIN! ahhhhh. After this Christmas, i will have officially missed the past THREE CHRISTMAS' AT MY GRANDMAS HOUSE :*( so sad. Truthfully, Christmas doesn't feel so happy because it's that magical time when everybody wants to spend with their family and get time off work and school to take a break and go home and be with their family and enjoy the spirit of the season, but thats not whats in store for me this Christmas, and I just wish it was. Another truth: "Holiday Season" doesn't feel like anything special in St. George, Utah because there is no snow, barely any lights (you can't even really see the lights that aRe up because there is no snow for them to shine against) no Christmas music stations???, No candy-cane lane, no Santas around, it just doesn't feel Christmas Cheery down here :( I guess thats the price you pay to have 60 degrees in December) and NO Palicks down here :( aye. i just miss my family alot. my sisters are growing up and I don't even know them anymore because they have grown up so much and are such beautiful young women now, they have beautiful hair, and are 10 times prettier than i EVER was at that age! haha.

SOOOO: On a brighter note: I could not be more excited because this is my first Christmas with my new HUsband! HOW WONDERFUL :) He is so wonderful and adorable and would do anything and everything and does everything to make me feel good and feel happy :) He is the most patient loving gentle person that I have ever met, and he is my perfect match, my opposite :) He is soft, I am rough, He is gentle I am rigid, he is quiet i am LOUD , he is everything that is good and wonderful while I am basically the opposite. He is perfect for me and He is my most wonderful beautiful bestest Christmas present:)
But mom, i still want you to send me a package as LONG AS IT HAS A LETTER IN IT TOO!!! haha :) My mom is so nice and sends cute packages to me and Jordan, but sometimes she forgets to write a note or letter to me, so I told her she needs to remember, and so last time she almost forgot but grabbed a piece of paper last minute and wrote me a short cute note :) love it :) i just love seeing letters from her because they are written in her handwriting :)

ok well See you on the other side of exams everyone! I'm not worried about any of mine except Ear Training and Geology!! aye. Love you all and hopefully between tests I can send out some Christmas Card/Newsletter Updates! :)

PS>Paul& Esther i LOVe/MISS you both!!! :) if you guys want to forward this blog to other people in our ward, that would be good just because I don't have ANYONE else's email address!

PPS> I will also try to write another blog post on a much brighter note concerning this holiday season. i'm just still sad because my recital is in two days.


Tiffany Johnson said...

LOTS going on. Sorry we won't get to see you guys at Christmas.. although we will see you while you are up here. We'll be around sometime. I know the feeling about missing family at Christmas-time. It's really hard. It gets easier though.. once you are married longer, you realize that your husband and kids are your family and even if you didn't go anywhere for Christmas, it's still great to be with them. BUT... it's still hard. I feel your pain. Hopefully all will go well with your recital! Good luck!

Paul and Esther Duhacek said...

Ahahahahah, you guys are so silly and I LOVE IT!!! To be young and in love, I miss that! Now, I'm just old and in love - heh heh. So, I am bummed because I was in Vegas last week for a week and 1/2 and had I thought of it, I would have run you and found a way to meet up. St George is actually one of my favorite places! I love their Temple, so beautiful but of course aren't all Temples? So, I'm loving your blog ... once a month is plenty, I find time more than not but lately I've been feeling the stress of 'being busy with life' .. you know how it goes. take care and keep us posted! Love ya! Good Luck on the recital! I love hearing you play =)

Valerie Mom said...

Melissa, Great job on updating your blog. To some of us, once a month seems a little excessive. lol. Hopefully, the recital went well. I have a sneaking suspicion that you were outstanding. We are looking forward to having you guys for Christmas. I know Christmas is not the same when you're not at home but aren't you grateful for such wonderful parents and family that have provided such sweet memories and a desire to be with them. Good job Palick family. Good luck on your finals!

The Staheli's said...

You did a FAB job at your recital! I was seriously impressed and so glad I came. Just so you know...98.1 plays Christmas music all day. :) And we need to go do that live nativity, see the lights and make sugar cookies. :D
Love you guys. We're sure glad you're around. Oh...and Avery makes me play your piano video (on my phone) like 10 times a day. Too funny.
